I'm Audrey Chou, a product designer with a passion for creating tangible impact.

I grew up in Queens, New York and am now a student at Brown University studying Computer Science and Urban Studies! Coming from a background in community organizing, I’ve learned how to deeply connect with people and solve complex problems. I’m driven by ideating and executing big-picture solutions for housing justice and equalizing opportunity.

I’m drawn towards product design because I believe that creating digital products allows me to continue problem-solving on a larger scale. By combining data-driven decision making and intentionality, I seek to create innovative tools that positively impact people.

I’m also a research assistant with the Brown HCI lab, studying the role of context and demographics in emotional online interpretation—ask me about emojis! When I'm not drinking a chai latte, you'll catch me on a run or doing a New York Times mini crossword :)

Feel free to reach out to me at audrey_chou@brown.edu!


I’ve always been fond of literary magazines as a way to cultivate community and showcase creative talent. Look below to see what I was up to as editor-in-chief of an independent, award winning literary magazine! (or click here)

Although I have a fondness for chai lattes (ask me which cafes in Queens have the best ones!!), I adore trying all kinds of new beverages. Check out my Instagram account where I rate them @audreyratesbevs & feel free to submit a guest review :-)